Hi I'm Hayley, a pencil artist with a passion for drawing. Creating realistic portraits and bringing loved ones together by combining individual photos into one stunning portrait has become my specialty. Based in my home studio in Darfield, I am inspired by human expression, capturing the unique characteristics and personality of each person I draw. Each piece is created in graphite pencil, capturing the contrast of dark and light that graphite creates. Whether I am creating commissioned portraits, or original art pieces, I truly love what I do and leave a little bit of myself in each piece.
A5 $150
A4 $250
A3 $350
(excludes back grounds, backgrounds priced on an individual basis)
A5 $200
A4 $300
A3 $400
For larger drawings, the price will be set at my discretion, based on the number of subjects, size and difficulty.
Simply email a clear photo of the person, animal or vehicle that you are wanting to be drawn. Decide what size you would like it to be drawn and if you would like colour or black and white (this option is for animals and vehicles only.) I will then email you the commission contract.
50 % deposit is required to secure your booking. The final payment is due on completion, this also helps to break up the payments for you.
Completion time depends on booking availability, size and detail of the portrait.
From the Source
I sent Hayley a picture of our beautiful fur baby that we very suddenly lost nearly 3 months ago. I am blown away with how beautiful the drawing of her is! It's absolutely perfect. Thank you so very much Hayley. It will be treasured for ever
Sara Witteman
Amazing! keep me updated on progress almost every day. Open to last minute changes and was kind and courteous! very talented! Definitely will use again!
Annabelle Churches
I sent Hayley a few photos to choose from of our new grandson. It was a surprise birthday gift for our daughter. She sent a progress photo and I thought it was finished it was so good. The completed picture brought a tear to my eye it was such a true likeness. It goes without saying that I would thoroughly recommend Hayley's work.